Advertise With Us

East Coast Events is the largest organizer of Girls Fast Pitch Softball Tournaments in Maryland, Delaware, central Pennsylvania, and western Pennsylvania. Our 80+ events attract more than 250,000 attendees annually. Would you like to connect your business with our teams and players? Tell us a little more about you and your business, and we will be in touch to develop a customized business sponsorship and advertising program for you!

East Coast Events and its management team have been organizing and administrating Girls’ Fastpitch Softball events for over thirty years! We provide high-quality clinics, tournaments, college showcases, and benefit events for recreational and competitive travel softball teams.

We are part of the United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA), the largest amateur multi-sport governing body in the U.S., registering over 170,000 teams in more than ten sports, including fastpitch softball, baseball, basketball and slowpitch softball.

Scope of our marketing program includes the following:

  • Girls’ softball players ages 8-18
  • 65 annual events located throughout Maryland and Delaware
  • 3,005 participating teams annually
  • 45,0000+ players and coaches
  • 260,000+ annual attendees
  • Participating teams travel from fifteen different states, Washington DC, and Canada to take part in our events including: Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio, West Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Rhode Island.
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